Cookie Policy
Name | Session Cookie |
Provider | PixelProduction Agentur für konzeptionelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG |
Purpose | The session cookie is essential because it stores important information about the current status for the user on the website. |
Cookie Name | PHPSESSID |
Cookie runtime | 1 Year |
Name | Cookies EU banner |
Provider | PixelProduction Agentur für konzeptionelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG |
Purpose | The cookie is used to store the selected cookie levels or to detect that cookies have been rejected. |
Cookie Name | hasConsent |
Cookie runtime | 1 Year |
Third-Party Provider
Name | Google Analytics |
Provider | Google LLC |
Purpose | Google Analytics is a web analytics service from Google. This service helps us to see how our website is used by individual visitors. Information such as the user's IP address is transmitted to Google and used for evaluation purposes. |
Cookie Name | _gat, _ga, _gid |
Cookie runtime | 1 Yeare |